On May 1, 2011 our families world was changed forever. Allison (our middle child) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - but life as we knew it could not stop. All of our activities and our other children did not change just a new twist on how to manage this new world. Figuring it out together is challenging and this is our new world.....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Remaining Happy and Sane..............

November 12, 2011

How do I stay positive with everything going on in our lives (most of the time)? Someone asked me that yesterday. So as I was all over the place with errands and teacher conferences and the many other things happening in our life I thought about the things necessary in my life to stay happy, fill fulfilled and secure. I realized that for me it is all about family, friends and community that make my happiness and sanity remain in my life.

My family is wonderful – they have been nothing but supportive and helpful (although none of my or Chris’ family actually lives anywhere near us.) Allison’s grandparents stepped up to the challenges and let us take the first real break away by taking on the immense responsibility of keeping her overnight with them. Yes this was very hard for me but I was, and still am, beyond thankful for their dedication to their grandchild and our family. Our whole family supports us from afar in our diabetes walks and by educating themselves and those around them daily and we know and feel the love over the miles ALL the time.

My community is small and is so much a part of my life, especially now that I work from home - I am always in our community. The grocery store, the kids schools, the downtown stores, church, the local drug store. I see people I know everywhere. I made over 300 ribbons for diabetes awareness month – and I see people wearing them all over our community. People know we whip out a meter and insulin with meals and that we carry a very important pink bag everywhere we go. Everything we are involved in with our community knows about Allison and her disease and they want to help make sure everything is always fine. Our church, our school and our neighbors are all a part of our community – I am grateful for our selection of places to live every day and the support we get from all those that we have in our community.

My friends, there are no words to describe my true gratitude for those that CHOOSE to be around us. Even those little moments in the hall at school or the grocery store make us feel important and loved by someone. Love and appreciation from the heart pours out of me every day for those that care so much about me, my family and everything that is happening to us (diabetes or NO diabetes!). I have learned a great deal about friendship since May 1 - I learned why you have and need friends. They cook you things when you are overwhelmed, bring you things when you don’t even realize you need it, are there when you just need a drink or to talk, are always asking to help out, really care how things are going with you, respond to your silly Facebook posts and read your blog to better understand – even though their world is just as busy and crazy as yours.

I have been blessed to meet some new friends lately and get closer to others I have had for years.  Their friendship makes me want to be a better friend and a better person. They offer to help (everyone thinks they can do it alone – we can’t) and I know as a friend who offers help to those around me - I mean it, I really want to help, to make their life easier. So in turn I am certain those that ask me mean it, but I, like most, always say thanks but I am good. I have decided, to be a better friend, I am going to add saying yes I could use your help to my to-do list – and hope all my friends let me help them in return!!

So I give a HUGE shout out to my support, happiness and sanity network: my community for recognizing us and realizing our struggles, my family for carrying our burden with them from so far away and especially my friends for just being an ear and a helpful hand when needed. I pray that others going through this disease are able to find the support I have found. I will forever be trying to give back all the love, help and friendship I have gained over the past six months to my community, family and friends. I love you all for all you do for me and my family!

Until there is a cure,

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