On May 1, 2011 our families world was changed forever. Allison (our middle child) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - but life as we knew it could not stop. All of our activities and our other children did not change just a new twist on how to manage this new world. Figuring it out together is challenging and this is our new world.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Allison's Words................

November 9, 2011

All day I have been thinking, I have to get to a computer at some point so I can write something for my blog - all day I have not been able to get to a computer. As we were driving to our last event of the day at 7:30pm Allison mentioned from the back seat that she was writing what it is like to have type 1 diabetes. So I asked her if I could use it later for my blog - so here is what Allison wrote in her journal this evening between the many things we had to accomplish: 

(please note the ONLY thing I took licence to change on this is the spelling.)

"I have type 1 diabetes. I have to take a shot four times a day. I have to prick my finger and test about 15 times a day."

"I take a shot at breakfast. I take a shot at lunch. I take a shot at dinner. I take a shot at bedtime."

"I have to test a lot, most at school. I do a lot of activities at school so have to make sure I have good numbers before I can do most things. I have two snacks a day at school also and have to test before them and I have to test before lunch. I test a lot at school."

"What I do not like most about having diabetes is that I have to take a shot at bedtime in a place I do not like." (This is in her bottom - she doesn't like saying it.)

"I do not like having diabetes at school because I feel like I miss things. If I am too high it is hard to work and I have to test a lot and that takes time from some things. My friends are all nice to me about it. I also can not go anywhere by myself at school, I do not like that."

"I do not mind pricking my fingers. It does not hurt too bad but I do not like the blood part. It is creepy seeing myself bleed all the time."

"The one thing that is good about diabetes at parties I get to have my cake or cupcake right away, I do not have to wait for the rest of the people to eat - I have to eat it with my other food - that is kind of cool."

"I like the ribbons I made with my mom for diabetes awareness month and that all my friends are wearing them. We have made almost 300 now and still need more. I feel special that people care about me. My teachers and nurses at school keep me feeling well but I have to test a lot!"

"I do not want diabetes forever. I am riding my bike in May and hope to earn a lot of money for a cure - I get to be the youth ambassador for the bike ride in May. My brother is helping me earn money."

"I hope they find a cure soon."


*Allison is the Youth Ambassador for the Maryland ADA's Chesapeake Bay Tour de Cure event  on May 19, 2012 in Easton, MD. If you are interested in joining her team (Al's Pals) and being on the bike ride with her or want to donate go to this site: http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR/TourdeCure/MarylandArea/1171019078?pg=team&fr_id=8042&team_id=523754

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