On May 1, 2011 our families world was changed forever. Allison (our middle child) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - but life as we knew it could not stop. All of our activities and our other children did not change just a new twist on how to manage this new world. Figuring it out together is challenging and this is our new world.....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Vacations with diabetes..........

What lies between our family and our Disney Vacation – packing the car and school letting out! I know everyone loves a vacation – just like us – and we are very excited. I wanted to take this moment to show you the extra steps we are taking because we have to be prepared for anything along the road – especially a diabetes related issue.

We like you have to pack clothes, toiletries and shoes but we also have to pack diabetes supplies – and then backups for our diabetes supplies and to be on the “safe side” backups to our backups.  This is a picture of the supplies before I split them into two separate bags. Yes two bags – just in case something happens to one we have another!

Just like everyone takes time to have kits available if your car breaks down or you if you know a storm is coming you get supplies. We do this for our trip with diabetes. We are hoping that it all goes smoothly and there are no issues, but you MUST be prepared for that “what if” at all times when you are travelling with diabetes.

As you think about your trips and all you do,  take a moment and think about what families with diabetes have to do on top of all of all of that. We aren't complaining or nervous about travelling with diabetes, we have done it in the past and will do it many more times in the future. I am just taking this moment during  this month, diabetes awareness month, so maybe next time you meet a family that has type 1 diabetes along the roads of your travels you will remember, they are there to have fun, but they are also being a little more cautious, a little more watchful and are probably very prepared. You will know that they aren't crazy, hovering, helicopter parents, but because like you in a storm they don’t want the worst to happen, but if it does they will have all they need and know what to do to help their child.

Until there is a cure,
Jennifer Holdgreve

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