On May 1, 2011 our families world was changed forever. Allison (our middle child) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - but life as we knew it could not stop. All of our activities and our other children did not change just a new twist on how to manage this new world. Figuring it out together is challenging and this is our new world.....

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Everyday heroes...............

I was lamenting recently with a friend that has become very close that I wished I had known her a year ago when I was dealing with Allison's diagnosis. It made me realize one other way my life has changed over the past year. We have the "highs" and "lows" but we also have a lot of new friends and I also view the idea of my everyday heroes very differently.

A year ago I was focused on my family, but I was also focused on my career. My life revolved around work and family and I was looking for the next step to move up in my career. Therefore my everyday heroes were more geared around a "normal" life that most people lead - the high powered woman that has it all together or the professional that managed their career with precision and still managed to have a wonderful put together family. I saw my kids differently and my husband differently - we had not experienced a life changing event like this before - so of course I did!

My everyday heroes are completely different now (not that I don't still admire those people from a year ago but my thought process are so completely different than before)! One of the definitions of a hero (according to Merriam-Webster) is an object of extreme admiration and devotion.

I am going to take a moment to list some of my everyday heroes that over the past year have come to light - these are the people that I have extreme admiration for - more than words could express and I want to say Thank You for being my hero(es):

  • All my kids teachers/helpers (Too many to list - but if you work at one of my kids school in any capacity - this is you!) - I have spent more time in the classroom/school this year - WOW - it amazes me what teachers and other staff at the school do daily, with very little resources, and they still keep a watchful eye on all those kids (especially Allison)!
  • Nurse Barb and Nurse Linda - they manage a school full of kids and issues and accidents but still keep a watchful eye on my daughter like she was their own! Just like a surrogate for me and they give me my favorite part of my week day - when I pick up my kids and get to chat with them for a moment it just makes me feel better about everything!
  • Dee and Jeremy - I have met a lot of new people this year and they are all so supportive - but these two helped bring back ME - they helped me realize that there is more to my life than this disease. They are not only there for me always, they want to learn how to help us - how to manage Allison's disease - to understand it - to give me a break - to give Chris a break - to just be there!
  • Roxanne Dean - a hero that amazes me - she has personally dealt with this disease for many years and she has a son with this disease - and every time I see her she has a smile on her face and true since of understanding of what is happening in my life and is there to hold my hand - I honestly pray often that my daughter will one day will be just like Roxanne!
  • The American Diabetes Association Maryland Staff - they lifted the fog that surrounded me after diagnosis and now they take time for me and my family even when they are busy - they even drive across the Bay Bridge for me ;-)  They teach me and help us along our path - they always lift us up and keep us going and make us feel special.
  • My daughter Allison's friends - these kids find a way every day to amaze me with my daughter - they find an interest in Allison and how she is feeling. They all take time to learn about her new life and be there for her in any way they can. Her class wore ribbons in November, there are some that are raising funds and riding their bikes right next to her in May, some supporting her with her fundraiser and others just being her best friend and helping her forget, even for just a moment, that she is a "little" different and these are only a few of the things these wonderful kids bring to my daughter all on their own!
  • My in-laws (Grandma and Grandpa) - my appreciation and admiration for them grows daily - they do everything they can and a year ago they jumped right on in when we were going through the diagnosis - and everyone knows the adage - "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" - well they learned just fine (ha, ha!! :-))
  • My daughter Sammie - she brings laughter to our lives like no one else can and surprisingly she does when we need it most! 
  • My son Ryan - he is the best big brother and son I could imagine - he wears Allison's disease daily for her and is her BIGGEST supporter - it amazes me that an 8 year old does this for his "little" sister without thinking or needing it to be about him - he is the most unselfish person I know.
  • My husband - his calm way of being has amazed me over the past year - he brings me and our family back to earth daily! I hope one day I can be like him. AND
  • My daughter Allison - I know I, or anyone, could do what she does every day - if you want to stay alive you could. But to do it at the age of 6 without complaining - instead on day two of diagnosis she took charge of her life and just started doing it - every day, all the time, forever - it amazes me beyond words or tears could express. She is a hero in every sense of the word.
There are a ton of other people in my life that matter and make a difference to me all the time - to all those that have been there for us over the past year - we could not be more grateful and I say a HUGE thank you for being such great friends!

So who are your everyday heroes? It sure made me feel good to think about all of mine - I have been smiling and remembering the good things from the past year while writing this blog. Take a moment and think about it and I bet you will feel a sense of calm knowing you have these everyday heroes in your life too.

Until there is a cure,

For clarification: There are other definitions of hero that encompass those that should be everyone's heroes - all those people that choose a life of running towards something that everyone else is running away from (police, fire, military and medical personal.) These people will and should be everyone's hero!

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